
HIC - Health Informatics Centre, University of Dundee
HIC supports high impact research through the collection and management of population based data.
At HIC, we believe in the power of Health Data Research to shape positive and meaningful changes in health care outcomes for us all.
Established over 15 years ago, we have built up a wealth of experience with expert teams in secure data management, governance, data engineering, research Infrastructure, software, and business support to deliver and enhance our services.
For 12 years we have operated as a Trusted Research Environment (TRE or ‘Safe Haven’ in Scottish terms) for the Scottish Government and NHS Tayside and NHS Fife Health Board Regions delivering secure, research managed ‘access to’ data under robust governance control.
The network of five Safe Havens operating in Scotland is accredited by the Scottish government and each Safe Haven adheres to the Scottish Safe Haven Charter. There are four regional Safe Havens and one national Safe Haven. The Health Informatics Centre (HIC) at the University of Dundee is one of the four regional Safe Havens covers the Tayside and Fife regions.
Our information security management system is accredited to ISO27001.