COVID-19 Symptom Tracker - Grampian Data Safe Haven
Safe People
Grampian Safe Haven Scotland
Academic Institute
GCP Service AccountSystem Generated
Safe Projects
In support of this national Independent Peer Review Not required IF YOU HAVE TICKED 'NOT REQUIRED' PLEASE SPECIFY THE REASONS: This project is being undertaken in the national interest during a national emergency, with information being provided across governments and health authorities. Research Ethics Not required THE PROJECT USES WILL USE ONLY ANONYMISED DATA, AND THEREFORE RESEARCH ETHICS REVIEW IS NOT REQUIRED Yes 2 of 5 response, this project is undertaking the following areas of work. Specifically, we will use anonymised data from the app to estimate the rate of infection for covid 19 for every county (local authority) in the UK. The Covid Radar site already shows estimated numbers of *current cases* by local authority, but it doesn't show the estimated infection rate (the 'effective reproduction number') based on these estimates. Many epidemiological experts have argued that monitoring the effective reproduction number will be essential if we are to respond quickly enough to developments in the spread of the virus. If you can see how fast the virus is spreading in different areas, then you can see where it's under control, where it isn't, and make informed, evidence-based choices about what kinds of interventions are needed in different places. In our case, this means decisions relating to the education system - e.g. about how and when children can return to school & other educational settings (early years provision, further education, higher education etc).
Specifically this project aims to estimate the effective reproduction number (Rt) in real-time on a local authority project. Our specific use case will be initially to use this to help with efforts to estimate the effects of school attendance/non attendance on the spread of the virus. If we can estimate Rt accurately, we can see how it relates to attendance rates for children and teachers in different parts of the country, and provide better informed guidance to those in the education system as a result. Anticipated outcomes of the project include: - Analytical outcomes: estimates for Rt by local authority, updated daily, and visualised in various ways (e.g. on a map), for internal government use. (In theory we could explore publishing this if there was appetite for it from other stakeholders involved, with the appropriate governance in place) Policy outcomes: we would use the results of the research to provide advice to ministers to be used in decision-making (alongside other sources) about what policies are needed, and to policy teams to advise on how best to implement them
Safe Data
(e) processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller;
(j) processing is necessary for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes in accordance with Article 89(1) based on Union or Member State law which shall be proportionate to the aim pursued, respect the essence of the right to data protection and provide for suitable and specific measures to safeguard the fundamental rights and the interests of the data subject.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Safe Setting