PHM and Cancer Outcomes in the WYH Cancer Alliance
Population Size
Associated BioSamples
None/not available
Geographic coverage
United Kingdom
Lead time
1-2 months
Improving cancer outcomes are an explicit priority for the WH&H CA. The high-level outcomes of one-year survival, emergency presentation, stage at diagnosis, and patient experience have been endorsed by the alliance board and the system leadership of the Health and Care Partnership (ICS). The aims are to use data on outcomes to drive policy, service development and improvement and the use of granular data by tumour site to understand the impact of clinical decisions on patient outcomes and actively engage with clinicians through the Optimum Pathway Groups.
The Yorkshire and Humber LHCRE has developed and funded a secure, cloud-based environment to support the analysis of clinical data from across the region. The LHCRE has prioritised cancer as one of its two key domains with a specific focus on population health analyses that can support the development and delivery of improved pathway of care. This capability will be used to develop a real time analysis of cancer data and its outcomes.
The work will be carried out in partnership with the NHS to ensure that the products of this capability links directly with the ability to influence decisions on resources used in WY&H CA to improve cancer outcomes.
The inputs required for this are the real-time (?7 days) data on cancer waiting times data (CWT), cancer outcomes and services dataset (COSD) and the Systemic Anticancer Treatment dataset (SACT) submissions and Radio Therapy (RT) Care by provider. These datasets are already captured by hospitals across the region and hence no new data collection is proposed at this time. These datasets will continue to be submitted to support national analyses supporting audit and registration.
The outputs will be developed as a suite of dashboards which will allow each provider and the alliance as a whole to monitor trends and changes in CWT, emergency presentation and stage at diagnosis by cancer type, and a rolling 3 and 12-month survival analysis.
The data will be handled within the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in the following containers that are located in data centres in London, UK:
Structural Metadata
West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance DATA-CAN YHCR
10 Years