Trusted Research Environments for CVD-COVID-UK / COVID-IMPACT
Population Size
Associated BioSamples
None/not available
Geographic coverage
United Kingdom
Lead time
1-2 months
CVD-COVID-UK, co-ordinated by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) Data Science Centre, is one of the NIHR-BHF Cardiovascular Partnership’s National Flagship Projects.
It aims to understand the relationship between COVID-19 and cardiovascular diseases through analyses of de-identified, pseudonymised, linked, nationally collated health datasets across the four nations of the UK.
The consortium has over 400 members across more than 50 institutions including data custodians, data scientists and clinicians, all of whom have signed up to an agreed set of principles with an inclusive, open and transparent ethos.
Approved researchers access data within secure trusted/secure research environments (TREs/SDEs) provided by NHS England (England), the National Safe Haven (Scotland), the SAIL Databank (Wales) and the Honest Broker Service (Northern Ireland).
Linkable datasets include those from primary and secondary care, COVID lab tests and vaccinations, deaths, critical care, prescribing/dispensing, cardiovascular and stroke audits, maternity services and mental health.
The centre has gained approval to broaden the scope of the programme to all COVID-related research (in NHS England’s SDE for England only). This is known as COVID-IMPACT and it will help to support research projects from the wider community, including for the National Core Studies.
A dashboard of datasets available in each nation’s TRE can be found here:
- The demographic information/counts are approximate and rounded. Figures should not be used for anything other than a rough indication of size of the grouping.
- Counts for people between 5-24 years have been approximated into these bins based on the age bins in the COALESCE study.
- All count of people above the age of 85 years are included in the age bin 85-90 years.
Observed Node | Disambiguating Description | Measured Value | Measured Property | Observation Date |
Persons | Multiple datasets in each nation's TRE with a population size of up to 57M in England (NHSE), 5.5M in Scotland (Safe Haven) and 3.2M in Wales (SAIL). Some datasets measure events and will have a significantly larger number of records. | 65000000 | Count | 01 Jan 1990 |
Structural Metadata
Data Access Request
Dataset Types: Health and disease, Registry
Dataset Sub-types: Cardiovascular, Mental health, Maternity and neonatology, Vaccines, Births and deaths
Collection Sources: Clinic, Primary care - Clinic, Secondary care - Accident and Emergency, Secondary care - Outpatients, Secondary care - In-patients, Community, Prescribing - Community pharmacy
Publications about this dataset
BMJ (Clinical research ed.)
Published - 2021