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The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Research and Surveillance Centre (RSC) primary car

Population Size

Not reported



Associated BioSamples


Geographic coverage

United Kingdom


Lead time

Not applicable


The RCGP RSC network database is one of the freshest data sources of primary care data. Data are refreshed twice weekly. Through our network of we can (1) Identify and recruit patients for trials/studies, (2) Collect specimen, (3) conduct questionnaires.


The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Research and Surveillance Centre (RSC) nationally representative general practice sentinel network and database National primary care sentinel network: The RCGP RSC is nationally representative a network of over 500 general practices (GP) providing pseudonymised data for weekly surveillance of infectious diseases; our data are also available for quality improvement, research and education. Research based on the RCGP RSC data have been published in the best journals including BMJ, Lancet and Diabetes Care. Observational research The disease surveillance program is commissioned by Public Health England (PHE) and covers 37 infectious diseases including influenza. The RCGP RSC is a nationally representative population. The RCGP RSC and PHE, and its predecessor organizations have an over 50-year history of collaboration in influenza and respiratory disease surveillance and vaccine effectiveness studies. Each practice in the network is reported on by all 37 infectious disease on a weekly basis and are graphically compared with the network as a whole (on their own web based dashboard); this drives both quality improvement in clinical care and also raises data quality, with our practice liaison team providing timely support to practices requiring help with any disparities in their information. Thus, the observational researcher benefits from a data warehouse of patient level records going back decades with consistently coded data, able to support both longitudinal and cross-sectional study designs. Interventional research – ambition to be a hub for trials The RCGP RSC has produced a ‘Weekly Return’ of infections and respiratory disease since 1967, though over time it has expanded in terms of size, scope, sample collection and its capability with linking with other datasets. The databases systems at the RCGP RSC can process large numbers of patients’ data rapidly. The typical duration for generating the weekly report is under 4 hours. The weekly report reached its highest denominator of 3 million patients in last week of October 2019. The RCGP RSC hosts Workload Observatory (funded by NHS England) for GPs to understand trends of patients with multiple and more complex conditions. Using disease specific dashboards, general practices are provided weekly updated data quality indicators and comparison with other practices in the RCGP RSC network. This process allows practices to continuously improve their data quality and increase the quality of the RCGP RSC studies over time. We regularly administer questionnaires in our studies and are experienced in collecting samples from our network of practices. Practice level support from our dedicated practice liaison team is enhanced by our suite of dashboard technologies delivering rapid feedback to each of our practices. Hence combing our expertise in real world data analysis, high frequency of practice support and our continual development of internet-based practice level interaction, we are well placed for providing a low cost pragmatic trials platform for quality improvement studies or as a medicinal trials platform.

Clinical concepts are ontologically defined for clinical concepts as part of developing a study protocol. We have clinical and programming expertise to assist researchers in developing new ontologies for case finding and have a pool of existing ontologies and associated computer algorithms for extracting the data.

We have ongoing research across a wide range of medical areas, with international collaborations in child health, diabetes and influenza vaccination and have an extensive set of data extraction, processing and analytic procedures we have developed which are readily available to existing and new research collaborators.

Dataset type
Health and disease
Dataset sub-type
Not applicable


Information Storage and Retrieval, Controlled Vocabulary, Epidemiologic Studies, Cohort Studies, Case-Control Studies, Observational Study, Clinical Trial, Health Care Quality, Computerized, Biomedical Ontologies, and Evaluation, Immunologic Surveillance, Sentinel Surveillance, Primary Health Care, Medical Record Linkage, Medical Records Systems, Access


Image contrast
Not stated
Biological sample availability

Structural Metadata


Publishing frequency
Twice a week


Distribution release date


Citation Requirements
The Royal College of General Practitioners Research and Surveillance Centre (RCGP RSC)


Start date


Time lag
Geographic coverage
United Kingdom, England
Maximum age range


Controlled vocabulary

Data Access Request

Dataset pipeline status
Not available
Access rights
Please complete our data request form at: https://www.rcgp.org.uk/-/media/Files/CIRC/Research-and-Surveillance-Centre/RCGP_RSC_Data_Request_Form_2018.ashx?la=enOur data can be used for SQUIRE purposes:SurveillanceQuality ImprovementResearchEducation There is no restriction on who can use our data, just the purpose. RCGP Study Approval Committee and possibly Ethical approval will also be required. General information about our network is at: http://www.rcgp.org.uk/rsc.https://clininf.eu/index.php/rcgp-rsc/https://clininf.eu/index.php/wlo/
Time to dataset access
Not applicable
Access request cost
Access Request Cost: We don’t aim to charge more than the costs of running the study.The scale and complexity of a study are two of the key determinants driving the cost of a study. However, we aim to leverage on our previously acquired domain knowledge and experience, including existing ontologies, code lists, data extraction methods and statistical analyses.Observational studies:Data only – cost of the extract, training (if needed) to access our secure network statistical disclosure control prior to data releaseOther requirements – questionnaires, samples, interviewsInterventional studies:In addition to costs indicated as part of observational studies, interventional study costs will be higher, accounting for ongoing monitoring of the intervention with participating RCGP RSC network practices.National observatory – provision:The development of automated reports, in data formats such as XML and/or web-based dashboards, requires additional development and ongoing maintenance and will require additional funding.Benefits to member practices:We generally add a proportionate charge to provide benefits to member practices (and ultimately their patients). This may often take the form of a dashboard and quality improvement activity, domain related but under the editorial control of RCGP RSC. Costing process Applicants will be responsible for any costs associated with data extraction and other aspects of collaboration. Costs are kept to a minimum. However, a RCGP RSC Practice Development Fund contribution in included to develop benefits and data quality in member practices. Broadly 10% of the value of contracts is reinvested into member practices, in addition to any payments for research work undertaken. Any potential costs will be discussed at the monthly RCGP RSC Operational meeting, held each month, and researchers will be contacted as soon after the meeting as possible. Data extraction can start once these costs have been through a University approval process and formal agreements are in place.For studies requiring active participation of General Practices, a contribution to cover practice staff members’ time and expenses will be expected. This is set broadly in line with National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) levels of charges for practice time.Please contact the RCGP RSC team via the webpage https://www.rcgp.org.uk/clinical-and-research/our-programmes/research-and-surveillance-centre.aspx.

Email the data request form

, RCGP_RSC_Data_Request_Form.doc to MedicalDirectorRSC@rcgp.org.uk"Applicants can “self-drive” their application process or we offer a “Concierge” service where people pay a team member to process their application on a cost for time basis.
Data Controller
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) is a policy level Data Controller for RCGP RSC. Currently RCGP has a contract with University of Surrey to be the Data Controller holding these data, this is migrating to University of Oxford during 2020.

Dataset Types: Health and disease

Collection Sources: