UK Renal Registry - AKI Lab Alerts Dataset
Population Size
Associated BioSamples
None/not available
Geographic coverage
United Kingdom
Lead time
2-6 months
Patient-level data for adults and children who trigger an electronic alert for an acute kidney injury (AKI) in primary or secondary care in England.
The dataset contains patient-level data for adults and children who trigger a laboratory e-alert for an acute kidney injury (AKI) in primary or secondary care in England. The data are collected monthly and include patient identifiable information, and limited socio-demographic and clinical data. Data collection began in 2015 and in 2018, 87% of the 189 laboratories in England submitted data that could be used in the UKRR’s inaugural AKI report that was published in July 2020 (AKI in England – a report on the nationwide collection of AKI warning test scores from 2018). In 2019, 96% of laboratories submitted data. Each year the UKRR collects data on about 500,000 people with a suspected AKI in England - this includes more than 1.5 million AKI e-alerts. This data collection is mandated by NHS England and alerts are generated by an algorithm embedded in the laboratory information management systems. See here for further information:
Dataset type
Health and disease
Dataset sub-type
Not applicable
Dataset population size
UKRR, AKI, Renal, Kidney, Laboratory e-alerts, Acute kidney injury, Kidney disease, e-alerts
Observed Node | Disambiguating Description | Measured Value | Measured Property | Observation Date |
Persons | Since 2015 c. 1.7 million people have triggered a laboratory e-alert for an AKI. Each year the UKRR collects data on about 500,000 people with a suspected AKI in England - this includes more than 1.5 million AKI e-alerts. | 1700000 | Count | 31 Dec 2019 |
Source of data extraction
Collection source setting
Primary care - Clinic, Secondary care - Outpatients, Secondary care - In-patients, Clinic, Secondary care - Accident and Emergency, Community
Patient pathway description
Patients may only experience an acute kidney injury (AKI) once in their life, or they may have multiple episodes. The AKI lab dataset captures AKI e-alerts for all children and adults who trigger an AKI alert in both primary and secondary care in England. Data collection is mandated by NHS England and in 2019 96% of laboratories submitted data.
Image contrast
Not stated
Biological sample availability
None/not available
Structural Metadata
Publishing frequency
Distribution release date
Citation Requirements
UK Renal Registry, The Renal Association
Start date
Time lag
2-6 months
Geographic coverage
United Kingdom, England
Maximum age range
0 - 6 Months
Controlled vocabulary
csv or xlsx or sas7bdat
Data Access Request
Dataset pipeline status
Not available
Time to dataset access
2-6 months
Access request cost
Charges may apply for new aggregate data and extracts of pseudonymous patient level data. The charges are to recover the costs of managing the application process and preparing extracts of data. The costs depend on the level of service required from the UKRR and whether this is limited to a simple extract of data, or requires additional input such as methodological or statistical support. The UKRR can advise on costs once the expression of interest is received and applicants may also be requested to complete a costing form.
Access method category
Direct access
Access service description
Data are released to researchers who have successfully gone through the UKRR's data application process. Prior to any data sharing with successful applicants, a fixed term data sharing agreement (DSA) is drawn up between the Renal Association and the recipient. This specifies the scope of the analyses permitted, the data items to be shared, the frequency of the data sharing, the names of the researchers and the time limit beyond which data must be destroyed.
Data use limitation
General research use
Data use requirements
Project-specific restrictions,Ethics approval required,Geographical restrictions,Time limit on use,Not for profit use,User-specific restriction,Institution-specific restrictions
Data Controller
The Renal Association