2019 UK Parkinson's Audit - Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM)
Population Size
2019 - 2019
Associated BioSamples
None/not available
Geographic coverage
United Kingdom
Lead time
Not applicable
The UK Parkinson’s Audit assesses care provided to people with Parkinson's by a range of clinical specialties against evidence-based guidelines. The audit is open to services across the UK - secondary care (non-acute) and community services.
The audit includes a Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM) which takes the form of a patient questionnaire which can be completed by any individual who attends one of the services (elderly care, neurology, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy) participating in the audit. The questionnaire can be completed by the person with Parkinson’s or by a carer on their behalf. No patient identifiers are collected.
The PREM questions cover the individual’s experiences of the whole of their Parkinson’s service, not only the specialty which has handed them the questionnaire to complete.
The questionnaire is completed and sealed by the participant - the service does not have sight of the completed questionnaire. Each service must return at least ten questionnaires in order for their PREM data to be included in the analysis.
The 2019 audit received 8,247 completed PREM questionnaires from 451 (77.7%) of the participating services.
The data is available by UK Parkinson’s Excellence Network region. The UK Parkinson's Excellence Network is a network of health and social care professionals working to improve Parkinson's services administered with support from Parkinson’s UK. Professionals can join the Network to access resources, increase their knowledge of Parkinson's and collaborate with people affected by Parkinson's to transform health and care services.
The audit is the recognised quality improvement tool for the Excellence Network, providing an important baseline against which progress can be measured, informing national, regional and local service improvement priorities and plans to achieve better services for people living with the condition.
The regions are:
England: Cheshire and Merseyside East of England East Midlands Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria London North East and Cumbria Peninsula South East Coast South West Thames Valley Wessex West Midlands Yorkshire and Humber
Scotland: North Scotland South and East Scotland West Scotland
Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland
Wales: North and Mid Wales South Wales
Other: Guernsey Isle of Man Republic of Ireland
Information about the regions can be found here:
Observed Node | Disambiguating Description | Measured Value | Measured Property | Observation Date |
Persons | 8247 patient cases are included submitted by 451 (77.7%) of the services participating in the 2019 UK Parkinson's Audit. | 8247 | Count | 30 Sep 2019 |
Structural Metadata