Primary Care
This collection brings together resources listed on the Innovation Gateway related to Primary Care.
Datasets & BioSamples (19)
Asthma and COPD: practices and perceptions of GPs in rural India
Dataset population size: Unknown
Health and disease
Deriving and validating a clinical prediction rule for the diagnosis of asthma in primary care
Dataset population size: Unknown
Health and disease
Analysis Scripts & Software (0)
Data Uses (0)
Publications (16)
Natural language processing for disease phenotyping in UK primary care records for research: a pilot study in myocardial infarction and death.
Shah AD, Bailey E, Williams T, Denaxas S, Dobson R, Hemingway H.
Risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 among patients in the Oxford Royal College of General Practitioners Research and Surveillance Centre primary care network: a cross-sectional study.
de Lusignan S, Dorward J, Correa A, Jones N, Akinyemi O, Amirthalingam G, Andrews N, Byford R, Dabrera G, Elliot A, Ellis J, Ferreira F, Lopez Bernal J, Okusi C, Ramsay M, Sherlock J, Smith G, Williams J, Howsam G, Zambon M, Joy M, Hobbs FDR.
Impact of COVID-19 national lockdown on asthma exacerbations: interrupted time-series analysis of English primary care data.
Shah SA, Quint JK, Nwaru BI, Sheikh A.
Predicting the risk of asthma attacks in children, adolescents and adults: protocol for a machine learning algorithm derived from a primary care-based retrospective cohort.
Hussain Z, Shah SA, Mukherjee M, Sheikh A.
Methods to generate and validate a Pregnancy Register in the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink primary care database.
Minassian C, Williams R, Meeraus WH, Smeeth L, Campbell OMR, Thomas SL.
Predicting the risk of asthma attacks in children, adolescents and adults: protocol for a machine learning algorithm derived from a primary care-based retrospective cohort.
Hussain Z, Shah SA, Mukherjee M, Sheikh A.