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Digital Health Alliance Project University Of Nottingham &Amp; The Nottingham University Hospital Trust

Digital Health Alliance Project University of Nottingham & the Nottingham University Hospital Trust


The Digital Health Alliance Project is a current collaboration between the University of Nottingham & the Nottingham University Hospital Trust and the HDR UK team. The project will assess the ease of using the HDR Platform (Gateway) and Tools to enable consistent and simplified approaches to sharing digital health related data across both the university and the hospital trust.

The tools that are being evaluated and adopted include the:

Accessing and using the HDRUK Gateway platform https://www.healthdatagateway.org/about/innovators-and-researchers

Understanding the role of the HDRUK Alliance https://ukhealthdata.org/

Accessing Datasets through adopting the Data Access Request processes (DAR) https://www.healthdatagateway.org/about/data-access-request-process

Employing the 5Safes Model (as per ONS guidance) as part of the DAR Process https://blog.ons.gov.uk/2017/01/27/the-five-safes-data-privacy-at-ons/

The Cohort Discovery tool to allow users to search multiple datasets for specified cohorts (specific groups of patients) https://www.healthdatagateway.org/about/cohort-discovery

& Data Utility wizard which will improve search accuracy across the datasets on the Gateway https://www.healthdatagateway.org/about/data-utility-wizard

Nottingham University Hospital Trust & University of Nottinghams' Podcasts: Virtual discussion with HDRUK & Nottingham University Hospital Trust on use of data in research projects: https://youtu.be/eyWtFdxKi1U

Keeping patient data safe: https://anchor.fm/nottmresearch/episodes/Keeping-patient-data-safe-in-our-new-BioResource-e1f6hd6/a-a7gsbbc

Health data and research: https://anchor.fm/nottmresearch/episodes/Health--data--and-research-e1com7t/a-a77csrt

The COVID-19 database: https://anchor.fm/nottmresearch/episodes/Big-data-in-Covid-19-e1bq8tg/a-a73v5f7

COVID-10 App data: https://anchor.fm/nottmresearch/episodes/What-can-the-Covid-19-Zoe-app-tell-us-about-future-variants-e1gtond