
Clinical Cohorts TRE (UK CliC)
{"type":"doc","content":[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"We are "},{"type":"text","marks":[{"type":"link","attrs":{"href":"","target":"_blank","rel":"noreferrer noopener","class":null}},{"type":"bold"},{"type":"underline"}],"text":"developing a secure environment"},{"type":"text","text":" with SAIL Databank to hold cohort study data linked to other health data. Before cohorts can be hosted via UK CliC they will go through an onboarding process, outlined below:"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"If you are a research team interested in being part of a growing cardiovascular and diabetes community across the UK and would like to find out more about being hosted within the BHF Data Science Centre "},{"type":"text","marks":[{"type":"link","attrs":{"href":"","target":"_blank","rel":"noreferrer noopener","class":null}},{"type":"bold"},{"type":"underline"}],"text":"Trusted Research Environment"},{"type":"text","text":", please fill in this short form providing information on your study and we will get back to you to organise a discussion:"}]}]}