Getting started on the Gateway and managing your Team
Getting started on the Gateway and managing your Team
To be set up as a Data Custodian on the Gateway, please ensure you and your colleagues have registered with the Gateway. To do this, click the ‘Sign in’ button in the top right-hand corner of any Gateway page.
Next, a Team must be created for you by the HDR UK Technology Team. Please get in touch with us to create this here. When reaching out to us, please specify the name of your Team (which will be searchable within the Gateway) as well as at least one individual to be the ‘Custodian Team Admin’. The ‘Custodian Team Admin’ will be responsible for setting the Roles and permission levels for all other members of the Team.
The HDR UK Technology Team will provide confirmation of Team set up.
Managing your Team on the Gateway
What is a ‘Team’ on the Gateway?
A Team on the Gateway is an entity that has been created to represent an organisation. A Team can contain any number of Users however the minimum is one User with the role of Team Admin.
Data Custodians and other organisations use ‘Teams’ on the Gateway to:
- Add and edit metadata descriptions (summary information describing Datasets), Analysis Scripts & Software, Publications, Data Uses / Research Projects and Collections they hold
- Manage data access request applications received from registered Gateway users.
Team Roles:
Roles are a group of permissions assigned to a Registered User when they are added to a Team (or assigned as part of managing the Team). Assigning a Role to a Registered User will allow them to perform certain actions within the Gateway such as metadata onboarding, managing Gateway Apps and Private Apps.
The Roles available within a Team are:
- Custodian Team Admin: A Custodian Team Admin is defined as the highest level of administrative responsibility in a Team. Custodian Team Admins can administer their Team including adding/removing Users as well as assigning all Roles to any User that has been added to a Team.
- Metadata Manager: allows the Registered User to onboard metadata to the Gateway through the user interface.
- Metadata Editor: A metadata Editor is a Role within a Team which allows the Metadata Editor to edit Datasets which were originally onboarded via manual or JSON file upload.
- Data Access Request (DAR) Manager: The DAR Manager is responsible for assigning DAR Reviewers to a Data Access Application and recording final decisions on a Data Access Application. DAR Managers are also the Registered Users who will receive enquiry emails when the parent Team is listed as the Data Custodian against a Dataset.
- Data Access Request (DAR) Reviewer: The DAR Reviewer is a role within a Team which allows the DAR Reviewer to see Data Access Requests they have been assigned to.
- Developer: Developers can only be assigned by Team Admins. A Developer role allows the Registered User to create and manage Gateway Apps and Private Apps.
Managing and updating permissions within your Gateway Team
To access your Team management dashboard, click on your name to see the Team you are assigned to, then click on the Team name to navigate to the Team management dashboard.
Here, you can see the list of Roles available within your Team. Each Role has different abilities within the Team. You can find out more about each role by clicking on its tool tip icon.
To assign Team members particular roles, simply check the relevant box next to your Team member’s name. To remove a role, just click the check box again.
Team Admins can add new Team members by clicking on ‘+ Add a new member’ button at the top of the page.
In the dialog box, simply type in the name of the person who you want to add to the Team. They must have an account on the Gateway to appear in the search.
Next, select the relevant role from the dropdown menu. Use the ‘+’ to add more users to your team. Once finished, click ‘Add member’.
To remove a Team member, click on the ‘delete’ icon underneath the ‘Actions’ column.
Managing Team Notifications
Navigating to the notifications tab allows you to change personal notification settings as well as those for your Team.
Use the toggles to enable/disable notifications sent to specific contact addresses and click ‘save’ at the bottom of the page.