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Recovery of renal function in the ERA-EDTA Registry

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ERA Registry

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Lay summary

End stage kidney disease is assumed to be irreversible, but a small percentage of patients requiring chronic dialysis experience a recovery of kidney function. There is very little data on how often this happens or why it happens. Reports from large observational studies and renal registries in other parts of the world show recovery rates between 1.0 and 6.7%. Recovery of kidney function most often occurred within the first 90 days after the onset of dialysis in patients with a large variety of underlying primary kidney disease. In the proposed study, we aim to assess how often recovery happens, as well as the demographic and clinical characteristics associated with recovery within and after 90 days of treatment with dialysis in a large cohort of European patients who started dialysis between 1996 and 2015. In addition, we will study geographic variation and trends over time. Identification of the incidence rate of recovery of kidney function and the clinical circumstances under which this is more likely to occur, could help both clinicians and patients to be more vigilant, to reduce and discontinue dialysis treatment accordingly and to postpone transplantation, if applicable.

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