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Lower limb amputation within 5 years of commencing dialysis for patients in England: GIRFT retrospective analysis of linked renal registry and hospital episode statistics data 2001-2017

Safe People

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UK Renal Registry

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Lay summary

Renal dialysis is a recognised risk factor for lower limb amputation (LLA). Exact rates and risk factors associated with LLA in dialysis patients in England have not previously been described. The aim of this study is to establish the rate of LLA in the first 5 years of receiving dialysis in England. We will compare amputation rates in three groups of dialysis patients – patients reported to have “diabetic nephropathy” (DN), “diabetic others” (DO) and “non-diabetic” (ND) patients. We will investigate risk factors and look for any centre variation in rates of amputations. This will describe the burden of amputation for dialysis patients and allow us to identify how variation in clinical practice nationally may influence amputation rates. This is the first step to being able to develop targeted quality improvement projects.

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