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English transplant centre variation in early (30 day) and late (365 day) readmission rates following renal transplantation – a UK Renal Registry and GIRFT analysis of Hospital Episode Statistics (HES)

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UK Renal Registry

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Lay summary

Emergency hospital readmissions following surgical procedures are associated with avoidable illness, additional financial cost to the healthcare system, and emotional burden for patients and caregivers. The proportion of patients with early (0-30 days) and late (0-365 days) emergency readmissions following a kidney transplant will be compared for recipients of living donor and deceased donor kidney transplants. Additionally, we will calculate the proportion of patients with multiple readmissions, and the average number bed nights per transplant recipient both nationally and at individual transplant centre level. We will look at the characteristics of patients and their diagnoses, to calculate risk factors for emergency readmission. Describing patterns of readmission following kidney transplantation and national variation in these rates is a useful quality of care metric that can be used to compare patient experience across renal centres in UK and will serve to drive quality improvement.

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