Comparison of case-mix adjusted incidence, length of stay and in-hospital Mortality of secondary care patients with hospital acquired AKI at acute care providers in England
Safe People
UK Renal Registry
Safe Projects
Initial findings from the Getting it Right First Time programme suggest that there are considerable differences across the UK in the rates at which people acquire acute kidney injury (AKI) in hospitals. There are early suggestions that these differences are linked to variations in patient length of stay and in-hospital mortality. We strongly believe that in the future, the rate of of hospital acquired AKI and the outcomes for patients with AKI will serve as an important “safety thermometer” for acute providers. We hope to develop methodology and metrics to allow ongoing monitoring of AKI data for this purpose. This is a novel piece of work with the aim of identifying differences in rates of AKI at acute care providers nationally. The next step would be looking into the reasons behind any observed variation and developing strategies to intervene and improve patient outcomes.