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A comparative cohort study of the duration of dialysis in children and the association with mortality and allograft survival after transplantation.

Safe People

Organisation name

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

For children and young people with kidney failure, there is increasing evidence that being on dialysis lowers life expectancy and that the total time on dialysis carries a higher chance of transplant failure, death and cardiovascular-related (heart related) death. Whether the amount of time between starting dialysis and receiving a kidney transplant is related to age, ethnicity, other diseases, or geographical factors (location and access to care) has not yet been researched. Comparing and evaluating these factors and how they relate to long-term illness and death in children starting KRT, is essential to understanding how improvements can be made to clinical care and survival from childhood to adulthood. This project will look at whether patient age, ethnicity, waitlist time (length of time on the transplant waiting list) and renal-centre location (access to care and social deprivation) change what is currently known about the relationship between first kidney replacement therapy and length of time on dialysis before kidney transplantation with the risk of death or transplant failure (in those children receiving a kidney transplant after commencing dialysis). The project will support improvements in pre-dialysis and pre-transplantation care for children and will also provide doctors with information to help counsel children, young adults and their caregivers.

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