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NHS England in-centre haemodialysis patient transport cost modelling

Safe People

Organisation name

NHS England

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Lay summary

We want to understand the cost of implementing guidelines in England around providing universal transport for dialysis patients to and from their haemodialysis centres. NHS England is aware of the average distance that in-centre haemodialysis patients travel for treatment in the Midlands. However, we do not have a national estimate of the distance travelled. The average distance that patients travel is key information for cost modelling. We will use the UK Renal Registry (UKRR) data to calculate a distance between the patient post code and the treatment site of each patient. And then calculate an average distance travelled by patients nationally. This will then be an input in our cost modelling. NHS England does not have a concise way of gathering data on the distance travelled by in centre haemodialysis patients nationally. UKRR data will allow a much better national estimate than the current one where a regional average is being extrapolated across the country. This work is being done to advocate for the implementation of published guidelines on providing transport for patients to and from dialysis centres. We will also develop a tool for ICBs to model the cost implications for their ICB of implementing the guidelines. If guidelines were implemented then in-centre haemodialysis patients would benefit from universal transport support which is not currently in place in many ICBs.

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