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Data driven innovation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Safe People

Organisation name

NHS Lothian

Applicant name(s)

Dr Gourab Choudhury

Funders/ Sponsors

CSO Innovation Grant

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common lung condition, often caused by smoking. Patients living with COPD may suffer from shortness of breath and this can worsen unpredictably in flare-ups known as exacerbations. These often require hospital care. COPD is the commonest cause of emergency attendance to the hospital with breathlessness, and the third commonest cause of death worldwide. We plan to use health data from deidentified people with COPD to find risk factors for these exacerbations and other harmful outcomes including death. This will include using machine learning techniques, where advanced computers look for patterns in records that might otherwise be missed. Our aim is to create a new prediction tool that could be used to target care to patients identified at risk of deterioration. This is being delivered by Lenus Health in partnership with NHS Lothian to quickly move developments from this project into patient care.

Request category type

Health Services & Delivery

Latest approval date


Safe Data

Dataset(s) name
Data sensitivity level


Safe Setting

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