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Uptake and comparative safety of new COVID-19 vaccines by age, sex, region, ethnicity, comorbidities, medication, deprivation, risk level and evidence of prior COVID infection

Safe People

Organisation name

University of Oxford

Organisation sector

Academic Institute

Applicant name(s)

Lisa MumfordAilish NimmoPui San TanFrancesco ZaccardiRommel RavananWinnie MeiDavid HarrisonDouglas ThorburnTom RangerJulia Hippisley-CoxCarol CouplandPaul MounceyChris CallaghanSharon Dixon

Funders/ Sponsors

Health Data Research UKOffice for National StatisticsUK Research and Innovation

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

The aim is to develop a system which can be used for rapid assessment of uptake of the vaccination programme in different groups and of the safety of the new COVID-19 vaccines by examining risks of a range of serious outcomes among vaccinated and unvaccinated patients. We will achieve this through the analysis of linked electronic health records held on the QResearch database. The primary objectives are to rapidly establish uptake and to evaluate the comparative safety profile of the new COVID-19 vaccines in the general population. Secondary objectives are: To determine comparative vaccine safety by vaccine type and by subgroups including age, sex, ethnicity, deprivation, region, co-morbidities (including transplants), medication use and QCovid risk score and prior COVID-19 status To determine comparative vaccine uptake by vaccine type and subgroups including age, sex, ethnicity, deprivation, region, co-morbidities (including transplants), medication use and QCovid risk score and prior COVID-19 status To estimate vaccine effectiveness by evaluating the risk and severity of a COVID-19 diagnosis by vaccine type and following one or two doses of vaccination and by previous COVID-19 positivity status

Latest approval date


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Common Law Duty of Confidentiality

Not applicable

National data opt-out applied?

Not applicable

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Safe Setting

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