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CCU071: A regional approach for policy makers to tackle health inequalities in cardiovascular disease and its risk factors

Safe People

Organisation name

University of Liverpool

Organisation sector

Academic Institute

Applicant name(s)

Reecha Sofat

Sub-licence arrangements (if any)?


Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and its risk factors remain the leading cause of death and illness in the UK, causing 1 in 4 deaths in England. The Covid-19 pandemic has added to the burden and the urgency in identifying risk factors for CVD, as well as treating CVD. This is because not only does CVD increase risk of dying from Covid-19 but, due to disruption of health services during the pandemic, we are falling behind in the detection of risk factors for CVD. CVD also contributes to differences in people’s health (health inequality). Together with the cost-of-living crisis, emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a widening of health inequalities. However, identification and treatment of CVD can help to reduce inequality. In this project we will focus on what gives rise to the inequality in CVD outcomes across measures of inequality. We will take an approach that focuses on a region within England where there are areas that are really poor, as well as areas of wealth, to understand what factors cause worse health in certain areas.

Public benefit statement

We will assess how those that are at high risk of CVD access their medicines to lower this risk and if this could be improved. We will replicate this analysis in other regions of England, demonstrating to those that make policies that this data driven approach could be helpful in tacking CVD and health inequalities in the population.

Latest approval date


Safe Data

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Safe Setting

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