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CCU085: STROKE-IMPACT: What are the long-term consequences of stroke on the patient and to the NHS, and how does COVID-19 contribute to variation?

Safe People

Organisation name

University of Exeter

Organisation sector


Applicant name(s)

Michael Allen

Funders/ Sponsors

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

When someone has a stroke, they are taken to hospital for emergency treatment and rehabilitation. We wish to understand the long-term consequences of stroke on the patient and to the NHS (especially the length of time patients spend in hospital in the year after their stroke). It is important to understand the impact of the COVID on the use of healthcare resources in people affected by stroke. We wish to understand how post-stroke hospital use varies for people with different characteristics (such as COVID history, age, gender, ethnicity, stroke severity, the wealth of their home area) and what emergency treatments they received. Our motivation is to reduce unnecessary variation in stroke care, improve outcomes, and make best use of NHS resources.

Public benefit statement

We work with the Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP), NHS England and NHS Elect to help teams to improve emergency stroke care. An important part of this is to help the teams understand how different emergency treatments affect patient outcomes and longer-term NHS resource use. This project will allow us better understanding of long-term consequences of stroke and the effect of emergency treatments, allowing better selection of the right treatments for the right patients, improving patient outcomes and reducing longer-term NHS resource use. The lessons learnt from COVID-19 may be used as an exemplar for new health emergencies.

Other approval committees

Project start date


Project end date


Latest approval date


Safe Data

Dataset(s) name

GPES Data for Pandemic Planning and Research (COVID-19)

Hospital Episode Statistics Admitted Patient Care

Hospital Episode Statistics Outpatients

Hospital Episode Statistics Accident and Emergency

Covid-19 Second Generation Surveillance System

Covid-19 UK Non-hospital Antigen Testing Results

Covid-19 UK Non-hospital Antibody Testing Results

COVID-19 Vaccination Status

Civil Registration - Deaths

Medicines dispensed in Primary Care (NHSBSA data)

Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme Clinical Dataset

Trusted Research Environments for CVD-COVID-UK / COVID-IMPACT

Data sensitivity level


Release/Access date


Safe Setting

Access type


Safe Outputs

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