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Incidence and outcomes of in-hospital cardiac arrests in the United Kingdom kidney replacement therapy population.

Safe People

Organisation name

University of Bristol

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Funders/ Sponsors

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

People receiving kidney replacement therapy (KRT) (haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplantation) are at a significantly higher risk of cardiac arrest than the general population. Studies have looked at rates of cardiac arrest and survival in patients on haemodialysis, but the data available is limited and often conflicting, with rates of survival to discharge ranging from 0% to 48%. Similarly, very little cardiac arrest data exists for patients on peritoneal dialysis. We are aware of no studies that have looked at cardiac arrest data in patients following kidney transplantation. The SARS-CoV2 pandemic has pushed anticipatory care planning and decisions regarding do not resuscitate orders to the forefront of many patient-clinician interactions. Adequate knowledge and training are required to reduce patient distress when having these difficult conversations. Currently the evidence to support these conversations and medical recommendations in patients on different forms of kidney replacement therapy is insufficient. This study will link data from the UK Renal Registry (UKRR) and the National Cardiac Arrest Audit (NCAA), to report the incidence of in-hospital cardiac arrests in people in receipt of KRT between 2012-2021. We will also report the characteristics and outcomes of these cardiac arrests. We aim to include all individuals receiving both chronic dialysis and acute dialysis. This information will be crucial to better support clinicians and people receiving KRT in making decisions about advance care planning and end of life, as well as to inform future interventional research.

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