Optimising newborn nutrition during therapeutic hypothermia: an observational study using routinely collected data
Safe People
Imperial College London
Academic Institute
Chris Gale
Safe Projects
This is a NIHR funded retrospective study that aims to determine the optimum enteral and parenteral nutrition strategy for infants with Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy (HIE), during and after therapeutic hypothermia. It is led by Dr Chris Gale, a neonatal consultant at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and a Clinical Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London. The study will use population level data held within the NNRD to examine the association between different feeding strategies and outcomes such as necrotising enterocolitis, and between different parenteral nutrition strategies and outcomes including bloodstream infection. The study will adjust for illness severity using propensity score matching. More details about the study can be found in the protocol
REC reference: 17/EM/0307
Safe Setting