Epidemiology of gout, its treatment and comorbidities - a prospective cohort study using data from Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD)
Safe People
University of Nottingham
Academic Institute
Abhishek Abhishek - Chief Investigator - University of Nottinghamdalia Elmelegy - Corresponding Applicant - Nottingham University HospitalsAnthony Avery - Collaborator - University of NottinghamGeorgina Nakafero - Collaborator - University of NottinghamLaila Tata - Collaborator - University of NottinghamMamas Mamas - Collaborator - Keele University
Safe Projects
Gout is a common arthritis characterised by the presence of needle-shaped urate crystals inside the joints. Once shed, they cause a flare characterised by abrupt onset of pain, tenderness, and swelling. A study using data from the CPRD reported that the prevalence of gout in the UK increased dramatically between the mid-1990s and 2010, and that only one in three patients with gout were prescribed urate lowering medicine e.g. allopurinol in this period. Studies from other countries report that the prevalence of gout has not changed between 2010 and 2020. Currently, it is not known if the prevalence of gout has stabilised in the UK in recent years or if coverage with allopurinol has improved after the latest recommendations by the British Society of Rheumatology published in 2017. Additionally, gout associates with heart attack, stroke and deep vein thrombosis. However, it is not known if the risk of these illnesses is increased in the period soon after a gout flare.
Objectives: [1] To examine the temporal trend in incidence and prevalence of gout between 1997-2020. [2] To examine the temporal trend in all-cause mortality and prevalence of urate lowering treatment (ULT) prescription in patients with gout between 1997-2020. [2] To examine the association between gout flares and (a) acute myocardial infarction, (b) stroke, (c) venous thromboembolism.
Safe Data
HES Admitted Patient Care
ONS Death Registration Data
Practice Level Index of Multiple Deprivation
Safe Setting