Identifying the clinical risks associated with COVID-19 in patients with congenital heart disease and associated co-morbidities
Safe People
University of Manchester
Academic Institute
Bernard Keavney - Chief Investigator - University of ManchesterDarren Ashcroft - Collaborator - University of ManchesterDominic Byrne - Collaborator - University of ManchesterJing Yang - Collaborator - University of ManchesterMattew Carr - Collaborator - University of ManchesterSimon Frain - Collaborator - University of ManchesterSimon Willians - Corresponding Applicant - University of Manchester
Safe Projects
Congenital heart disease (CHD) affects ~7 in 1,000 liveborn babies and often needs surgery to correct defects that would otherwise prove fatal. There are many different forms of heart defect and in many cases patients can survive well into adulthood but can be at risk of developing a range of other medical conditions. Individuals with heart defects are all currently classified as being at high risk from COVID-19, however many will only experience mild symptoms or none at all. To investigate the relationship between existing heart defects and COVID-19 response we will use the CPRD dataset to determine the risk of COVID-19 in CHD patients. We will assess risk factors over a range of different heart defects as well as establishing which other medical conditions are associated with them. The study has implications for the clinical management of CHD patients across all age groups.
COVID-related recommendations to congenital heart disease (CHD) patients have thus far been made based on clinical consensus. COVID outcomes for different groups of CHD patients have not been accurately quantified in largescale datasets. The phenotypic complexity of CHD, and the increasingly recognised presence of significant comorbidities (for example coronary artery disease) in adults with even mild CHD, mandates a largescale analysis taking into account both the heterogeneity of CHD and the potential influence of comorbidities on COVID outcome.
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HES Admitted
Patient Level IMD
Practice Level IMD
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