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Morbidity, mortality, resource use, and financial cost of pruritus in chronic kidney disease patients in the UK general population: a retrospective matched cohort study

Safe People

Organisation name

Pharmatelligence Ltd

Organisation sector


Applicant name(s)

Craig Currie - Chief Investigator - Pharmatelligence LimitedMelissa Thomas - Corresponding Applicant - Pharmatelligence LimitedEllen Berni - Collaborator - Pharmatelligence LimitedGarth Baxter - Collaborator - Vifor PharmaJeevan Virdi - Collaborator - Vifor PharmaSara Jenkins-Jones - Collaborator - Pharmatelligence Limited

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a long-term condition in which the functioning of the kidneys is impaired. Patients with CKD are treated using haemodialysis (HD), which is a method of replacing the kidney’s blood filtering abilities through use of an external machine. Patients undergoing HD often report an unpleasant itching of the skin, known as pruritus. Severe pruritus can interfere with daily life, leading to loss of sleep, emotional distress, and infections which occur due to persistent scratching. The treatments available for pruritus are often not effective. This study plans to analyse patients with CKD who are receiving HD who report associated pruritus, and explore their risk of death, skin infection, depression, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and sleep disorders. In addition, this study will calculate the costs associated with pruritus in HD patients, as well as the number of medical notes issued, phosphate binding medications prescribed (medications to lower blood levels of phosphate), and HD sessions received. These results will be compared to CKD patients on HD of similar characteristics, who do not develop pruritus. This study will improve patient care by helping healthcare professionals understand the health, resource, and cost impact of CKD-aP in the UK.

Technical summary

Chronic kidney disease associated pruritus (CKD-aP) is common, affecting an estimated 20% of patients with CKD, and 40% of patients with end stage renal disease. CKD-aP has been associated with increased mortality, reduced quality of life, sleep disturbances, mental health conditions, and skin infections as a result of persistent scratching. The treatments available at present for CKD-aP are often not sufficiently effective.

Latest approval date


Safe Data

Dataset(s) name

HES Accident and Emergency

HES Admitted Patient Care

HES Outpatient

ONS Death Registration Data

Practice Level Index of Multiple Deprivation

Safe Setting

Access type
