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Natural history of coagulopathy and use of anti-thrombotic agents in COVID-19 patients: a cohort study

Safe People

Organisation name

University of Oxford

Organisation sector

Academic Institute

Applicant name(s)

Daniel Prieto-Alhambra - Chief Investigator - University of OxfordEdward Burn - Corresponding Applicant - Oxford University HospitalsAntonella Delmestri - Collaborator - University of OxfordNathan Jones - Collaborator - University of Oxford

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

People with coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) may be at a high risk of thrombotic disease, where blood clots block veins or arteries. There is a need to better understand how common these thromboembolic events among patients with COVID-19 are, their implications for health outcomes, and whether individuals with a particularly high risk for them can be identified.

Technical summary

We will investigate the risks of thromboembolic and rare coagulopathy events among patients with COVID-19, the impact of thromboembolic events on prognosis in COVID-19, the association between various risk factors and rates of thromboembolic events, and to develop and externally validate prediction models for thromboembolic events for patients with COVID-19.

Latest approval date


Safe Data

Dataset(s) name

HES Admitted Patient Care

ONS Death Registration Data

Patient Level Index of Multiple Deprivation

Safe Setting

Access type
