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Characterizing the changing morbidity and cause-specific mortality burden of the obesity epidemic in England and the UK

Safe People

Organisation name

Imperial College London

Organisation sector

Academic Institute

Applicant name(s)

Edward Gregg - Chief Investigator - Imperial College LondonMarisa Sophiea - Corresponding Applicant - Imperial College LondonFrancesco Zaccardi - Collaborator - University of LeicesterJonathan Pearson-Stuttard - Collaborator - Imperial College London

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

Obesity is a global public health threat and in the past 40 years, the prevalence of obesity worldwide has nearly tripled. High body mass index (BMI) accounted for 4 million deaths globally in 2015-2016, and it was estimated that 1.9 billion adults were overweight, of which 650 million were obese. If the increase in obesity prevalence continues as expected, by 2025 3.7 billion adults are projected to be overweight.

Technical summary

This study aims to advance our understanding of the heterogeneous and changing impact of overweight and obesity, through morbidity and cause-specific mortality, in UK adults.

Latest approval date


Safe Data

Dataset(s) name

HES Admitted Patient Care

HES Outpatient

ONS Death Registration Data

Patient Level Index of Multiple Deprivation

Practice Level Index of Multiple Deprivation

Safe Setting

Access type
