Variation in mental and physical health of children with long-term conditions or disability and their families: a longitudinal cohort study
Safe People
University College London
Academic Institute
Pia Hardelid - Chief Investigator - University College London ( UCL )Ania Zylbersztejn - Corresponding Applicant - University College London ( UCL )Arturo Gonzalez-Izquierdo - Collaborator - University College London ( UCL )Linda Wijlaars - Collaborator - University College London ( UCL )Muhammad Qummer ul Arfeen - Collaborator - University College London ( UCL )
Safe Projects
Up to one in three children in England have a long-term illness or disability, which can be limiting in terms of their quality of life. Children with long-term conditions or disability are more likely to require specialised medical services and frequent contact with healthcare services than other children. Caring for a child with a long-term condition or disability can be challenging and a major source of stress for parents, contributing to development of mental and physical health problems. We know little about the physical and mental health impact on siblings.
Children with learning disabilities (LD) or autism spectrum disorders (ASD) may have multiple physical and mental health needs, requiring frequent contacts with health care. Caring for a child with LD/ASD can be challenging and a source of stress leading to both mental and physical health problems for parents and siblings. This study aims to determine factors associated with variation in mental and physical health of children with LD/ASD and their families.
Safe Data
CPRD Mother-Baby Link
HES Admitted Patient Care
ONS Death Registration Data
Patient Level Index of Multiple Deprivation
Safe Setting