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The nexus of diabetes, hypertension, and depression and its contribution to multimorbidity in United Kingdom

Safe People

Organisation name

Imperial College London

Organisation sector

Academic Institute

Applicant name(s)

Misghina Weldegiorgis - Chief Investigator - Imperial College LondonMisghina Weldegiorgis - Corresponding Applicant - Imperial College LondonEdward Gregg - Collaborator - Imperial College LondonJonathan Pearson-Stuttard - Collaborator - Imperial College LondonMarisa Sophiea - Collaborator - Imperial College London

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

An increasing prevalence of risk factors combined with extended survival with chronic diseases is creating a growing public health crisis in the prevention and treatment of multiple long-term diseases (MLTD), multimorbidity (MM). Compared to individuals with a single long-term disease, those who have MLTD have decreased quality of life and create a higher burden on health care.

Technical summary

Hypertension (HTN) and depression are common in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and are known to be associated with poor outcomes. However, this trios' burden and patterns on the prevalence of multimorbidity (MM) is unknown. This study will assess whether the simultaneous existence of T2DM, HTN, and depression affect the prevalence of MM, and whether these patterns are different by age, gender, and SES, as well as by modifiable risk factors such as smoking status, blood pressure, and BMI.

Latest approval date


Safe Data

Dataset(s) name

HES Admitted Patient Care

HES Outpatient

Patient Level Index of Multiple Deprivation

Practice Level Index of Multiple Deprivation

Safe Setting

Access type
