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Ethnic differences in healthcare utilisation and care quality among people with multiple conditions

Safe People

Organisation name

The Health Foundation

Organisation sector

Independent Sector Organisation

Applicant name(s)

Mai Stafford - Chief Investigator - The Health FoundationMai Stafford - Corresponding Applicant - The Health FoundationBrenda Hayanga - Collaborator - University of SussexCatherine Saunders - Collaborator - University of CambridgeJay Hughes - Collaborator - The Health FoundationLaia Becares - Collaborator - University of Sussex

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

In the UK, the number of people living with multiple long-term conditions is rising. This is concerning because those with multiple conditions have higher treatment burden, reduced quality of life and higher risk of mortality. It also has serious implications for the NHS because of the link between multiple conditions and use of primary and secondary care services.

Technical summary

This study aims to

Latest approval date


Safe Data

Dataset(s) name

HES Accident and Emergency

HES Admitted Patient Care

HES Outpatient

ONS Death Registration Data

Patient Level Index of Multiple Deprivation

Safe Setting

Access type
