Variable antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 and the effects of vaccination career
Safe People
University of Cardiff
Academic Institute
Richard StantonProf Nic TimpsonAss Prof Kate NorthstonsDr Sue Ring
Safe Projects
This project sets out to use existing samples (on N=4 participants) collected as part of the UKCiC initiative to examine the ability of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination to recover variable immunological response to wild infection. Data on continuously assessed antibody response to wild infection will be used to identify those with low response and then biological samples available over a schedule of first and second vaccinations will be used to examine the impact of these interventions.
Our underlying hypothesis is that the type of humoral response generated from natural infection is superior to vaccination, in terms of the ability of non-neutralising antibodies to activate cellular immunity. If this is true, and we can establish why it occurs, it may provide a means to enhance the efficacy of vaccine-induced responses.