Clusters of exposome components and their association with lung function evolution during the youth
Safe People
Government Agency (Health and Adult Social Care)
Sophie LanonePr Etienne AudureauPr Ralph EpaudPr Isabelle CollMatthieu Ortala
Safe Projects
The concept of exposome refers to the totality of the environmental exposures (diet, lifestyle, occupational and environmental factors, …) from conception onwards, including its external and internal components. Among non-communicable respiratory diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cystic fibrosis (CF) are two highly debilitating diseases that are of particular interest to consider in parallel in a human exposome study. The overall objective of the REMEDIA project is to determine how and to what extent the exposome affects the severity and morbidity of COPD and CF throughout the progression of disease, thus providing key elements to design more tailored prevention and care programs. We assess exposome and health data from several cohorts and population registers to determine, at various times of life, whether specific exposome(s) is(are) associated with particular phenotypes of COPD/CF in terms of severity, morbidity, exacerbations and co-morbidities. Yet, lung function development starts in utero and continue up to early adulthood, when a maximal lung function is reached. It is therefore of crucial importance to understand the impact of exposome on this key determinant of adult pulmonary health.
Better understand the relation between specific exposome components and specific evolution patterns in lung function and phenotypes of the diseases of interest.