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Methylome sequencing using nanopore

Safe People

Organisation name

University of Bristol

Organisation sector

Academic Institute

Applicant name(s)

Josine MinProfessor Jonathan MillProfessor Caroline ReltonDr Eilis Hannon

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

A powerful avenue into researching the functional consequences of changes in DNAm levels is to correlate DNA sequence variants such as single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) to DNAm levels to find both local and distal (for example on other chromosomes) effects. Having completed the largest genetic study of DNAm worldwide to date (through the Genetics of DNA Methylation Consortium) by scanning 10 million SNPs genome-wide, we have identified 270k SNP-DNAm associations. This was achieved by analysing about 400,000 DNAm sites in blood, which is only 2% of 28 million DNAm sites across the genome. There is a huge potential for improved understanding of DNAm variation between individuals and its influence on health and disease by studying other regulatory regions of the genome. We therefore will use novel sequencing technologies based on long reads with the ability to measure all 28 million sites and to determine both the DNAm level and the genotype at single molecule level.

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