Lfestyle and genetic predictors of maculopathy in the ALSPAC G0 generation
Safe People
University of Bristol
Academic Institute
Cathy WilliamsJez GuggenheimProf Andrew Kate NorthstoneProfessor Jean GoldingProf Tunde Peto
Safe Projects
Maculopathy is a term describing a group of diseases of the retina which together are the leading cause of blindness in developed countries. Treatment is at best only able to stabilize progression in some individuals and for many there is no effective therapy and irreversible sight loss cannot be avoided.
We anticipate wide interest in these findings among patients with AMD and MM and potentially further research into trials if the data suggest behavioural modifications or advice may be useful. The data will also be of interest to the NHS as approximately a third of all spending on sight loss, is used in the treatment of maculopathy and thus it is a huge burden on the NHS, the government and the tax payer, as well as being potentially devastating for affected individuals.