Parenting and child self-esteem and depression symptoms
Safe People
University of Sussex
Academic Institute
Ted BarkerGiulianna Tanner
Safe Projects
The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship between mothers’ and fathers’ parenting and child depression trajectories, focusing on aspects which have received limited attention in the literature. Past research has examined how parenting behaviour has influenced child wellbeing, highlighting the positive association of parental control, rejection and unsupportiveness with child depression trajectories and low self-esteem (McLeod, Weisz, & Wood, 2007; Yasmin & Hossain, 2014). Conversely, parental warmth (Del Barrio, Holgado-Tello, & Carrasco, 2016) and supportive behaviour (Juang & Silbereisen, 1999) have been identified as protective factors on that may limit the severity of depression symptoms. Nonetheless, the literature on child psychopathologies so far has prevalently focused on mothers’ parenting, or has failed to distinguish between the individual effects of mothers’ and fathers’ parenting on child outcomes (Parent, Forehand, Pomerantz, Peisch, & Seehuus, 2017). This appears to be limiting, as the role of fathers on child outcomes was found to be distinct from that of mothers (Jeynes, 2016; Connell & Goodman, 2002).
This research will provide further knowledge on the role that the parental figures might have in the development of children’s mental health, specifically giving more insight into how it might affect self-esteem and depression. In particular, this paper could help better understand the relationship between father variables and child outcomes. This could help psychologists in the future develop more targeted strategies to prevent the development of and treat poor self-esteem and depression in childhood and adolescence.