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Intimate partner violence and mental health of parents children

Safe People

Organisation name

University College London

Organisation sector

Academic Institute

Applicant name(s)

Rebecca LaceyProf Gene FederProf Laura HoweProf Ruth Gilbert

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

In any two year period, almost one quarter of children were exposed to maternal mental illness. Mother’s mental health problems are associated with problems in children’s cognitive development, physical and mental health. We also know that exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) and parental substance misuse during childhood increases the risk of negative mental health outcomes. There is some evidence that parental mental health problems may reduce children’s resilience to the impact of IPV. However we do not yet fully understand the relationships between IPV, parental mental health and children’s mental health. We also know little about factors that promote resilience in children exposed to IPV.

Public benefit statement

This project will provide a more nuanced understanding of the interplay between parental mental health, substance misuse, IPV and child mental health. The analysis of why some children fare better than expected will inform interventions for children exposed to IPV. This project also has a qualitative component, working with Early Intervention Foundation, which looks at the weak points and blind spots in current practices, including routine data records, that need to be addressed to ensure effective early identification and intervention in vulnerable families. The quantitative ALSPAC and CPRD-HES analyses will inform the qualitative work.

Latest approval date
