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Epigenome-wide association study of depression and antidepressant use

Safe People

Organisation name

University of Bristol

Organisation sector

Academic Institute

Applicant name(s)

Doretta CaramaschiAlex KwongMs Holly Fraser

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

At least 7 million adults in the UK are prescribed antidepressants every year. Antidepressant prescriptions in teenagers are rising. In nearly 50% of people on antidepressants the depression symptoms do not improve after the pharmacological treatment. We will investigate the biological pathways that lead to depression by looking at biomarkers in their blood DNA, as well as molecular markers that antidepressant treatments might leave on blood cells in young adults. We will assess antidepressant use in young adults and potential reasons for stopping the medications, with the ultimate aim to explore the possibility of personalized treatment options.

Public benefit statement

Due to the multi-cohort nature of the project (consortium will have a final N of >20000 participants) and the importance of the research questions (depression and antidepressant use) we expect that we will generate conclusive results that will be relevant to a high number of people in the community as well as health professionals.

Latest approval date
