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WithHolding Enteral feeds Around packed red cell Transfusion to prevent necrotising enterocolitis in preterm neonates (The WHEAT TRIAL)

Safe People

Organisation name

Imperial College London

Organisation sector

Academic Institute

Applicant name(s)

Chris Gale

Funders/ Sponsors

The Medical Research Council

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

WHEAT stands for WithHolding Enteral feeds Around packed red cell Transfusion to prevent necrotising enterocolitis in preterm neonates. It is a multi-centre, randomised point of care trial. This means that WHEAT uses information that is already being collected by doctors and nurses as part of day to day care, which makes it much simpler and easier to take part in. There are two aims of WHEAT: To demonstrate that a point of care trial design is a simpler, easier and more efficient way to carry out clinical trials, please see the video below for more information. To see whether withholding milk feeds before, during and after blood transfusion in preterm infants reduces the risk of necrotising enterocolitis. The Chief Investigator is Dr Chris Gale, Senior Clinial Lecturer, Imperial College London and Neonatal consultant Chelsea and Westminister NHS Foundation Trust.

Other approval committees

REC reference: 18/LO/0900

Safe Setting

Access type
