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Data collection measurement and correlates of internalized weight stigma

Safe People

Organisation name

University of Bristol

Organisation sector

Academic Institute

Applicant name(s)

Amanda HughesProf Laura HoweDr Helen Bould

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

Increasing evidence suggests that social processes including weight-related stigma are key to explaining many consequences of overweight and obesity. For instance, people carrying genetic variants linked to obesity are at higher risk of depression, even where those variants have no known metabolic consequences(1). This strongly implicates social, not just biological, processes by which body weight affects mental health. Among the different facets of stigma is internalized weight stigma (self-attribution of negative obesity-related stereotypes) which may have especially negative consequences. For higher-weight individuals, it is linked to disordered eating(2), maladaptive coping(3), and worse quality of life(4). But it can also affect normal weight and underweight people, and predicts disordered eating and drive for thinness in non-overweight groups(5). Despite strong theoretical work in this area, our empirical understanding of weight stigma’s causes and consequences is limited. This includes how socioeconomic factors, adiposity development across the lifecourse, and parental body weight influence weight stigma internalization, and the consequences for mental health and social functioning. This is because research has been almost entirely based on small, non-representative samples. In this project, we would measure internalized weight stigma among ALSPAC participants of all weight statuses using a validated questionnaire(6). This would, uniquely, allow investigation of its causes and consequences in a large sample of young people. We would also investigate if a proxy measurement of internalized weight stigma can be constructed from other items, for when purpose-designed items are unavailable. The data and results will support further research in a range of existing data sources.

Public benefit statement

The analysis of causes and consequences of internalized weight stigma within ALSPAC will be a step-change in this area. Research has so far been restricted to small samples, often highly non-representative, and usually with only self-reported height and weight information. The exploration of a possible proxy measure for internalized weight stigma, meanwhile, will support further analysis in national surveys including the Millennium Cohort Study and the UK Household Longitudinal Survey, both of which include the proxy item but not the validated measure of internalized weight stigma. In this way, analysis on internalized weight stigma would be facilitated in nationally representative populations across the adult range, in surveys with a considerable ethnic minority population, and in surveys where genetic and linked administrative data would support application of causal inference methods and avoidance of reporting bias.

Latest approval date
