The effect of surfactant dose on outcomes in preterm infants with Respiratory Distress Syndrome (OPTI-SURF)
Safe People
Organisation name
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Organisation sector
CQC Registered Health or/and Social Care provider
Applicant name(s)
Kevin Goss
Funders/ Sponsors
Safe Projects
Project ID
Lay summary
OPTI-SURF is a prospective observational study using de-identified data from the Neonatal Network Research Database (NNRD) supplemented by additional information on dose, method of surfactant administration and dosing frequency. OPTI-SURF aims to assess whether the dose and method of administration of surfactant given to preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) affects neonatal outcomes. The Chief Investigator is Dr Kevin Goss, Consultant Neonatologist at Leeds Children’s Hospital and Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Leeds.
Other approval committees
REC reference: 18/WM/0132
Safe Setting
Access type