You are what your mother ate exploring the effects of maternal and paternal Mediterranean diet on childhood health
Safe People
Organisation name
University of Bristol
Organisation sector
Academic Institute
Applicant name(s)
Kayleigh EaseyDr Giulia MancanoMs Jessica MinkoffDr Gemma Sharp
Safe Projects
Project ID
Lay summary
We urgently need better evidence about how our experiences before birth might influence our long-term health. Most research in this area has focused on the diets and lifestyles of pregnant mothers, but the evidence is patchy and health advice offered to pregnant women can be confusing and inconsistent. More recent research suggests that a father's diet and behaviour can influence the health of his unborn children, but very little public health advice is currently offered to fathers-to-be.
Public benefit statement
Student dissertation, and contribute towards publication in a peer reviewed journal.
Latest approval date