National Pregnancy Diabetes Audit
Safe People
Organisation name
NHS England, HQIP
Organisation sector
Government Agency (Health and Adult Social Care)
Applicant name(s)
Carla Howgate
Funders/ Sponsors
NHS England
Sub-licence arrangements (if any)?
Safe Projects
Project ID
Lay summary
The National Pregnancy in Diabetes Audit measures the quality of pre-gestational diabetes care against NICE guideline based criteria and the outcomes of pre-gestational diabetic pregnancy. As part of this and using NNRD data, NHS England will extend their investigations to see whether the outcomes of women with pre-existing diabetes and their babies are different to the general population and will also examine if there is a higher instance of admissions to neonatal intensive care, and if these admissions are for longer periods.
Latest approval date
Safe Data
Dataset(s) name
Safe Setting
Access type
How has data been processed to enhance privacy?
Removal of personal identifiers; replacement of dates with 'minutes from birth'