Timing of Stoma Closure in Neonates (ToSCiN) Study
Safe People
Organisation name
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Organisation sector
CQC Registered Health or/and Social Care provider
Applicant name(s)
Nick Lansdale
Funders/ Sponsors
National Institute for Health Research
Sub-licence arrangements (if any)?
Safe Projects
Project ID
Lay summary
This study is part of an NIHR funded pilot study to help determine whether a trial would be feasible. The aim is to use data from an established database, the UK National Neonatal Research Database to help understand current practices and factors associated with timing of stoma closure. This information will help determine feasibility and design of a trial.
Other approval committees
REC reference: 20/LO/1227
Latest approval date
Safe Data
Dataset(s) name
Safe Setting
Access type
How has data been processed to enhance privacy?
Removal of personal identifiers; replacement of dates with 'minutes from birth'