National PReCePT (Prevention of cerebral palsy in pre-term labour) Programme Evaluation
Safe People
Organisation name
University of Bristol
Organisation sector
Academic Institute
Applicant name(s)
John Macleod
Funders/ Sponsors
National Institute for Health Research Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research & Care- West
Sub-licence arrangements (if any)?
Safe Projects
Project ID
Lay summary
This study aims to assess whether the roll-out of the standard PReCePT Quality Improvement intervention improves the uptake of the provision of MgSO4 in preterm babies , and identifyfactors that support its implementation and sustainability.
Other approval committees
FREC ID: 84582
Latest approval date
Safe Data
Dataset(s) name
Safe Setting
Access type
How has data been processed to enhance privacy?
Removal of personal identifiers; replacement of dates with 'minutes from birth'