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Fortified mother’s own and donor human milk on growth and health outcomes at discharge in preterm infants in Scotland: retrospective cohort analysis

Safe People

Organisation name

University of Glasgow

Organisation sector

Academic Institute

Applicant name(s)

Wesam Alyahya

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

This study is led by Mrs Wesam Alyahya, PhD student in Human Nutrition, University of Glasgow and supervised by Prof Christine Edwards, Professor of Nutritional Physiology, at Human Nutrition in the School of Medicine Dentistry and Nursing University of Glasgow. The aim of the study is to use anonymised data held in the National Neonatal Research Database (NNRD) to measure the association between using fortified donor human milk (DHM) and outcomes such as growth, length of hospital stays and infection in babies born at less than 32 weeks gestation in Scotland.

Other approval committees

REC reference: 17/NS/0052

Safe Setting

Access type
