Study of preterm birth and neurodevelopmental genes: a pilot investigation (SPRING)
Safe People
Organisation name
Cardiff University
Organisation sector
Academic Institute
Applicant name(s)
Anita Thapar
Funders/ Sponsors
Cardiff University
Sub-licence arrangements (if any)?
Safe Projects
Project ID
Lay summary
The SPRING study test the hypothesis that preterm birth and neuropsychiatric disorders share the same genetic risk factors and conduct a pilot investigation that will inform future large-scale studies utilising the NNRD to investigate the relationships between very preterm birth, genetics and neuropsychiatric disorders
Other approval committees
REC reference: 16/WA/0324
Latest approval date
Safe Data
Dataset(s) name
Safe Setting
Access type
How has data been processed to enhance privacy?
Removal of personal identifiers; replacement of dates with 'minutes from birth'