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Clinical characteristics and treatment patterns of early breast cancer patients in Scotland

Safe People

Organisation name

NHS Lothian

Applicant name(s)

Dr Peter Hall

Funders/ Sponsors

Eli Lilly

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

New medicines are in development that may reduce the risk of cancer recurrence and improve survival after treatment for early breast cancer. The UK regulators and NHS Scotland need strong evidence on the value of new treatments prior to approving medicines as standard care paid for by the NHS. While clinical trials can provide much of this evidence, there is also a need to provide evidence on the current ‘real-world’ patient population, standard treatments and current outcomes. The project will generate real world evidence on the current early breast cancer patient pathway. Analysis takes place within the NHS by NHS staff, with only a summary report that does not contain individual patient data being released for the purposes of NHS Health Technology Assessment. The project output will enable NHS decision makers to make better informed reimbursement decisions on future medicines to ensure the NHS is providing high value care to the patients it serves.

Request category type


Latest approval date


Safe Data

Dataset(s) name
Data sensitivity level


Safe Setting

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