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Regular reports on COVID-19 cases admitted to NHSL secondary care to support regional research strategy

Safe People

Organisation name

University of Edinburgh

Organisation sector

Academic Institute

Applicant name(s)

Professor Tim Walsh

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

The COVID-19 pandemic requires an urgent effort to both understand the disease and its impact on people, and also research to rapidly find effective treatments to prevent and treat the illness and its consequences for people. Within NHS Lothian there has been a coordinated collaborative approach to undertaking research, and many people have had the opportunity to participate in a range of different important research studies. As we move forward, and the numbers of COVID-19 cases decreases, we want to be able to ensure we can coordinate our research efforts to ensure people continue to have the chance to participate in important studies. This project will use routine data collected within NHS Lothian to provide reports about how many people are admitted to hospital with COVID, where they are treated, and how their illness progresses. This information will be used to plan how best to organise research in the region.

Request category type

Health Services & Delivery

Latest approval date


Safe Data

Dataset(s) name
Data sensitivity level


Safe Setting

Access type
