Caring for babies with palliative care needs and/or multiple complex health needs with an uncertain future in England and Wales 2015-2020
Safe People
Organisation name
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
Organisation sector
CQC Registered Health or/and Social Care provider
Applicant name(s)
Cheryl Battersby
Funders/ Sponsors
CW+ Health Charity and True Colours Trust
Safe Projects
Project ID
Lay summary
The study aims to quantify neonatal palliative care needs across England and Wales and is funded through a collaboration between Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, CW+ and True Colours Trust. It will utilise data held in the NNRD to identify babies likely to have palliative care needs within each of the five categories defined in the 2010 BAPM framework on perinatal palliative care. From this, the aim is to provide an indication of neonatal palliative care needs at population level to inform service planning and allocation of resources.
Other approval committees
REC reference: 21/LO/0024
Safe Setting
Access type